Old Salt

Category Gin
Origin Nederland
Alcohol 40%
Perfect Serve Met tonic
Vlieland cranberry gin
Experiences, traditions and tragedies of the wet salt are the right ingredients for an Old Salt, the keeper and narrator of the unwritten old sailor’s story. Ingredients: A.o. juniper • cranberries • samphire • sea eelsum 40% Alc. • 0,7L

Old Salt Premium Gin

Perfect Serve Met tonic
Vlieland premium gin

Experiences, traditions and tragedies of the wet salt are the right ingredients for an Old Salt, the keeper and narrator of the unwritten old sailor’s story.

40% Alc. • 0,7L

More about Old Salt
For an Old Salt, the sweeter the Sea Lettuce, the more powerful the Sea Alsum, the stronger the story, the saltier the Samphire. The narration of the first sea voyages, with all the tragedies that entailed, on the way to the Indian are bitter. By unitingly and hopefully mapping out the right sea route, traditions arising from these experiences are of great importance to an Old Salt. This means to this day; loose mooring lines for the safe flow of stories.
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